Mobile and Web-app design
Creating this design was a challenge because it was launcher, develope team implement bootstrap framework to design, and I had to create a new design system that would fit with the development team and, in addition to its appeal, really close to the usability principles.
The user 2 is a manage this workfow was improve tolearning how the user managed the collaborators with papers, if paper on which it was written and infinite forms (of paper) were filled
Web app
The third user journey workflow was a terrible interface, i work hard to learn it.
I design and functionalities based on others made but with very difficult interfaces to use.
The start of design system
The applicable design system depends on your equipment, in our case we use color as a basis to standardize its use, from there i added other fundamentals, such as typography and the icon system (material icons).

With the atomic design methodology all this comes together to create a scalable design system.
Color palette: part of the fundamentals of the design system, made with frontify (an adobe xd plugin), this tool has a platform that allows you to organize in a large mural all the fundamentals and guidelines that are needed to create a design system to can be shared with all developer team.
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